Navarik News & Insights

Expanding Time with Navarik Inspection | A Scheduler's POV

Written by Navarik Corp. | May 28, 2024

Time is our most precious asset. To make every moment count, Schedulers set out on daily quests to cut time spent on repetitive, mundane tasks. With proper streamlining, it can feel like time itself expands with additional minutes to spend. In this post, we’ll identify three strategies Navarik Inspection uses to help Schedulers expand time to achieve more from the start to the end of the nomination process.  

Our SaaS web application, Navarik Inspection (NI), restores order to the nomination lifecycle with a single source of truth across inspection services nominations, quality & quantity results, and invoice verification. NI helps Schedulers accomplish more with less effort via implementing templates, single-source inspection results, and streamlining invoice verification.

Nomination Templates

Think back to the time spent retyping groups of tests or methods for certain products, or reference data for recurring nominations. Whether it’s 5 or 10 minutes, it can add up! NI buys you more time by implementing reusable frameworks such as templates, slates, and snippets. Once created, they can be reused department-wide, offering flexibility for revisions as needed. This strategy ensures consistency across nominations without spending extra time retyping obscure movement-related details or notes.

Getting Inspection Results from The Source

Retyping inspection results upon receipt can take twice as long and introduce errors to the nomination process. Hitting two targets with one arrow, NI can retrieve quality, quantity, and invoice data directly from the source via modern web-based APIs and integration with inspection companies. Results flowing in from third-party systems dawns a new era, where data entry is deduplicated, data integrity is improved, and Schedulers gain more time on their hands. A true benefit to adopting a single source of truth.

Streamlining Invoice Verification

Inspection invoice verification can be resource-intensive when cross-referencing documentation and charges.  NI simplifies collaboration between Schedulers and Finance with powerful tools like our Price Book Manager and Invoice Reconciliation Tool. These tools flag out-of-threshold invoices alongside clear, and explicit documentation for targeted problem-solving and ensures correct billing. As a result, the average time to verify an inspection invoice is reduced from 30 to 10 minutes.

While we cannot create more time, we can certainly stretch it and make the most of what we have. For Schedulers, this means reflecting, analyzing, and adopting solutions that can redirect time and attention to the items that truly drive success in their role.  

We’re here to help you succeed.

To learn how Navarik Inspection can propel your Scheduling to the next level, get in touch with us.